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Meet The Mentors


Jean-Marie Williams 

Mentor, Jean Williams has a knack for helping youth realize and aspire to what they can become. Her teaching philosophy is grounded in the wisdom of discovery through guided exploration and trust in the engineering design process. Ms. Williams became a part of FIRST in 2012 as a FIRST Lego League (FLL) parent.  She stepped in as a coach for FLL Bayou Builders in 2014, going on to support the team's advancement to five international competitions and two world championships during the past six seasons. Due to her involvement in FIRST robotics, she has developed a passion for ensuring STEM equity and giving back to the students who inspire her. In addition to mentoring Torbotics, she currently coaches 3 FLLJr teams, the Bayou Builders FLL team 4043, and 4 FTC teams. She and her husband, Ben, started a non-profit called HYPE Robotics of LA in 2017 with the goal of helping support youth pursuing excellence in robotics. She is an active member of the Northshore STEM Coalition & assisted in the establishment of the group's first Mobile STEM Lab in our region.

Lauren Williams 

Benjamin Williams 

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